[2020] 7. Yonghan Jung, Seonjung Jang, Hyejin Park, Sookyoung Lee |
Poster :
Date : 20-03-06 15:46
Hit : 700
Publication; issue : 2020 Year 44 Vol 1 iss 41 p
(646.1K), Down : 94, 2020-03-06 15:46:55 | |
Unusual Suicide with Chainsaw: An Autopsy
Case Report
Korean J Leg Med 2020;44:41-44
Forensic Medicine Division, National
Forensic Service Busan Institute, Yangsan, Korea,
Medical Examiner’s Office, National
Forensic Service, Wonju, Korea
E-mail: next0608@daum.net
In autopsy practice, we encounter case of
suicide or murder using various methods or tools. Damage caused by tools such
as a knife or hammer is commonly encountered, but a case of damage using a
chainsaw is not commonly encountered. We present an autopsy case of a suicide
due to neck injury using a chainsaw. A 56-year-old man was found dead with a
neck injury and a chainsaw below him. Soft tissue of the neck, thyroid
cartilage, trachea, carotid vessels, cervical vertebrae, and cervical spinal
cord were found to be cleaved, and a cogwheel-shaped pattern was observed in
the injured area.
Key Words: Forensic pathology; Chainsaw;
Suicide; Autopsy; Neck injuries