[1997] 7. Eun-Seop Song, Yong-Suk Nam, Juck-Joon Hwang, Gil-Ro Han |
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Date : 09-12-24 16:52
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Publication; issue : 1997 Year 21 Vol 1 iss 59 p
(860.2K), Down : 37, 2009-12-24 16:52:04 | |
Gentic Diversities of Four Short Tandem Repeats Loci in Korean Amplified by Multiplex PCR.
Korean J Leg Med. 1997 May;21(1):59-74. Korean.
Department of Legal Medicine, Korea University, College of Medicine
The four tetrameric STRs loci(HUMvWA31, HUMTHO1, HUMF13A1, HUMFES/FPS) were studied to confirm the allele frequency distribution and to see whether these results can be used for identity and paternity testing in a population o Koreans using multiplex PCR and laser-fluorescence detection method. In the Korean population (n=227), 8 alleles with their relative frequency range of 0.002-0.249 are detected in the HUMvWA31 locus, 6 alleles with those of 0.007-0.500 in 6 alleles with those of 0.004-0.434 in the HUMFES/FPS locus. The highest observed heterozygosity is found at the locus HUMvWA31(0.8077), with those of the lociively. All loci meet Hardy-Weinberg expectations ; there are good agreements between observed and expected heterozygosity, number of observed genotypes. Pairwise comparisons between loci show allelic independence for all the 4 loci. The power of discrimination (PD) determined for the locus HUMvWA31 is 0.933, that for the HUMTHO1 is 0.836, 0.798 for HUMF13A1, and 0.844 for the HUMFES/FPS ; the combined power of discrimination for the quadruplex is 0.9997. Thus, these allelic frequency distribution can be used to construct the database of the multiplex PCR-based DNA profile in the Korean population. The calculated parameter, "combined power of discrimination(PD)" show the informativeness of these loci for the determination of identity and relatedness of individuals.