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작성일 : 21-11-17 14:23
Leg Med, 2021, Nov. Two autopsy cases with injuries to the stomach following cardiopulmonary resuscitation
 글쓴이 : 이상한
조회 : 1,547  
We herein report two autopsy cases with gastric injury associated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Case 1 was a 36–year–old woman who was found in cardiopulmonary arrest possibly caused by a fall from a height of 8 m. She received continuous manual chest compression with artificial ventilation while being transferred to the hospital. Autopsy revealed bruises on her left upper arm with a fracture to the left humerus and advanced pneumohemothorax that was associated with laceration of the left lung due to fracture of the dorsal left costa. Furthermore, complete rupture of the gastric wall (25 cm) was found without hemorrhage. Case 2 was an 85–year–old man found unconscious on the road. He had a history of oral anticoagulant administration, cognitive impairment, and gait disorder. He also received cardiac massage and manual artificial ventilation during CPR. Autopsy revealed severe head injury, possibly caused by a backward fall. His stomach was markedly dilated by air and a fresh intramural hematoma had extended into all layers of the stomach and adjacent omentum; however, injury of the abdominal wall was not evident. Histopathological investigation of the brain revealed advanced Alzheimer’s disease and Lewy pathology, and the damaged neural tissue, which was positive for the amyloid precursor protein. We determined that the gastric injuries in both cases had been caused by CPR. We conclude that careful investigation is required for gastric injury cases to determine the etiology and correlation between gastric injury and cause of death when the victims receive CPR.


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